17 May 2023 News NOVOTEX Systems is a Russian manufacturing company that supplies high-precision industrial measuring systems for the control of geometric parameters, technological equipment, safety systems and non-destructive testing systems. Novotex Systems LLC offers customized solutions to each client in a wide variety of industries, including oil and gas, energy, petrochemical, aerospace, defense, shipbuilding and shipping, rail transport, underwater shipbuilding, foundry and general engineering. The supplied line of high-precision measuring equipment, technological solutions and non-destructive testing systems for industrial production: - contactless scanning systems: high-precision laser radars and scanners; - measuring manipulators (arms) and coordinate measuring machines with contact probes and contactless laser scanning heads; - non-destructive testing systems based on industrial X-ray tomographs; - portable baggage X-ray inspection systems. Fill in the form for booking a stand: https://www.ndt-russia.ru/en-GB/exhibitors/book.aspx