Special design bureau Stroypribor will participate in NDT Russia 2022 exhibition


For more than 30 years, Stroypribor has been developing, manufacturing and supplying instruments and machines for measurement, control and testing based on the latest achievements of science and technology. The technical solutions used in the development of the devices are protected by patents of the Russian Federation, provide intelligent processing of measurement results, storing them in memory and transferring them to a PC for further processing.

Special design bureau Stroypribor will participate in NDT Russia 2022 exhibition
Over the years, a whole range of certified small-sized microprocessor devices for various purposes has been created. About 15,000 enterprises of Russia and neighboring countries are users of devices of SKB "Stroypribor". Currently, more than 80,000 devices manufactured by the company are in operation.
The goal of the company is the most complete satisfaction of customers' needs in modern means of non-destructive testing, therefore, the range of products is constantly expanding. The production of three to five new products is mastered annually.
The most popular and important positions in the line of devices of SKB "Stroypribor" can be called:
  • breaking machines;
  • concrete frost resistance meter;
  • installations for testing concrete for water resistance;
  • testing presses;
  • deflection meters.
An 18-month warranty is provided for the entire range of supplied devices. Service and metrological maintenance is guaranteed for the entire period of operation of the devices.
SKB Stroypribor will take part in the NDT Russia exhibition, which will be held on October 25-27, 2022 in Moscow, at the Crocus Expo IEC.
To book a stand at the exhibition, please, contact the Organizing committee:
+7 (812) 401 69 55
or fill in the form on the website
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