INTERPRIBOR company will participate in NDT Russia 2022


INTERPRIBOR has 30 years of leadership experience in manufacturing of high-quality portable testing instruments for the non-destructive testing of material properties for the construction industry and other manufacturing sectors.

INTERPRIBOR company will participate in NDT Russia 2022
The enterprise has its own production capacities equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, robotic installer, high-precision measuring and metrological equipment. The enterprise has a license for the manufacturing and repair of measuring equipment No. 005292-IR and a certificate of a metrological service, register No. 003006.


Research and development of the instruments for the following spheres of application:
 – non-destructive testing of quality of concrete, construction materials, road coatings, and foundations
 – ultrasonic, acoustic, and seismic measurements
 – vibrometry and vibration analysis
 – thermal conductivity measurements
 – water content measurements of materials, goods, and media
 – multi-variable monitoring of various objects
 – technological and laboratory control
 – temperature monitoring
 – heat-protective properties assesment of buildings, enclosing structures, windows
 – special service software

Batch production of wide nomenclature instruments
Engineering services, instrument development by a special order of a customer
Sales and full line services of the instruments, including metrological, warranty and maintenance services

To book a stand at NDT Russia 2022, please, contact the organizing committee:
+7 812 401 69 55

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