On October 26-27, 2021, the NDT Russia exhibition was held in Moscow, at the Crocus Expo IEC
NDT Russia is a key event in the field of non-destructive testing in Russia and neighboring countries. Every year the exhibition gathers leading manufacturers who present a wide range of equipment for non-destructive testing by various methods.
The organizer of the exhibition is the MVK company, office in St. Petersburg.
This year the exhibition was visited by specialists from more than 100 cities of Russia – more than 45 Russian regions. Among the visitors of the exhibition there were representatives of the leading Russian enterprises.
NDT Russia is a test-drive platform where you can test samples of devices and equipment from a large number of manufacturers in action and discuss technical issues with specialists of participating companies. This year, the exhibitors presented intelligent control and diagnostic systems for industrial and security enterprises, healthcare facilities, security thermal imaging systems; thickness gauges and flaw detectors for metal structures, plastics and composites, manual EMA control in the aerospace industry; tomographs and flaw detectors for concrete control; X-ray devices, ultrasonic transducers for flaw detection and other equipment for non-destructive testing by various methods.
The NDT Russia 2021 exhibition was attended by the leading companies in the industry - these are both regular participants and new companies that are interested in expanding the geography of sales and finding new customers.

Visitors about the exhibition:
A.V. Sharan, master of Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus
"I liked the exhibition, found useful contacts. We were looking for measuring equipment, equipment for 3D control. We have found everything we need."
A. M. Namyn, Director of Selgazstroy LLC
"We learned about the exhibition recently. We came to conduct ultrasonic control of welding tanks for the enterprise. Positive impressions. Next year we will take engineers with us."
K. K. Zakharyan, Sales Specialist of NK-Innovations YUG LLC
"I visited the exhibition for the first time. I really liked it, I received tremendous emotions, I am very glad. I hope to attend this event as often as possible."
Specialists of the NPF AVEK company
«…We learned the latest news and trends of our NDT market and talked with colleagues who came here from all over Russia. We express our gratitude to the organizers of the event!"
Exhibitors opinion:
Diagnostics-M is a regular participant of NDT Russia. This year, representatives of the professional community were greatly interested in X-ray sources developed by specialists of our company with a micron-sized focal spot, as well as scanning systems operating using flat-panel and linear detectors.
During the exhibition, several companies have already shown interest in creating new equipment for industrial tomography and microelectronics control using Diagnostic-M developments. In general, despite the decrease in the flow of visitors due to strict sanitary restrictions, participation in NDT Russia for Diagnostics-M was once again successful.
Our company considers it necessary to note the high level of organization of NDT Russia both in terms of holding the exhibition forum itself and in terms of ensuring reliable security measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic."
As part of the business program of the exhibition, the Russian Laboratory Company and the NDT Russia organizing committee held a large-scale conference on non-destructive testing at industrial facilities. Experts of successful Russian enterprises discussed:
* Experience in the effective use of betatrons during non-destructive testing of thick-walled products;
* Creation of an information platform for non-destructive testing specialists;
* Theoretical and practical aspects of digitizing X-ray images;
* Main aspects of draft Federal Rules and Regulations;
• and other important topics.
On October 27, the All-Russian competition "The best specialist of non-destructive testing" ended. A solemn summing up and awarding of the winners took place at the NDT Russia exhibition site.
Congratulations to the winners of the contest!
The Organizing Committee of the NDT Russia exhibition thanks the participants, visitors and partners of the exhibition! We look forward to seeing you again next year on October 25-27, 2022 at the Crocus Expo IEC, Moscow, Russia!
+7 (812) 401 69 55